Beyond Rhetoric – Who is a Terrorist?

A firestorm has begun to rage between two competing Mid-East special interests groups.

Ali AlAhmed, a Saudi expert with the Institute of Gulf Affairs (GULF), recently wrote about his concerns that the leadership of major Jewish organizations and the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs had foolishly allowed the Saudi American Public Relations Affairs Committee (SAPRAC) to be intimately involved in their major policy conference. AlAhmed noted that SAPRAC and its leader, Salmon Al-Ansari, have a “questionable stance on tolerance, especially against Jews and are associated with virulent anti-Semitism.”

AlAhmed’s pointedly noted that SAPRAC and it’s leader, AlAhmed, are completely controlled by his father, Abdulrahman Al-Ansari. He stated that Abdulrahman “has an extensive public animosity toward Judaism and in support of violent Islamic intolerance”. Amongst other items, AlAhmed, cited Abdulrahman’s social media postings admiring Hitler.

In response to AlAhmed’s comments, Salmon Al-Ansari proclaimed, “AlAhmed is a terrorist himself”. He added, AlAhmed “cares nothing for the sincere shared collective of ideas and cultures, but AlAhmed will use any means to exterminate the prospects of a peaceful world”.

Through AlAhmed’s words, GULF has called upon SAPRAC to unequivocally publicly denounce Abdulrahman. In response, Al-Ansari said, “I will never denounce my father”, declaring that “unconditionally, he is a great man and all of his efforts have been courageous.” He added, “I won’t turn against my great father – we enjoy mutual unconditional support – no matter what he does, I support him”.

When asked about his Father’s posting related to Hitler, Al-Ansari remarked, “my Father is pure, AlAhmed is a modern day Neo-Nazi”.

Al-Ansari went on to declare that, in fact, “AlAhmed and his cronies at GULF are dangerous – they have much more going on here other than simple written words – they are subversive and will use any destructive means possible to promote their own misguided agenda of their own brand of terrorism”. When pressed to explain further, AlAhmed remarked, “this is a perfect example of a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing – AlAhmed might dress in public like a docile Sheep, but, in truth, he is a Wolf – he will destroy anything in his path, even if he has to kill it to get there.”

BY: Spencer Tripens